In today’s world, typing is undoubtedly an essential skill. Indeed,…

The Best Typing Program For Free
In the 21st century world, no skill is more important than typing. It makes everything else involved with computers and word processing that much easier. Hunting and pecking just won’t get you very far, so once a child is able to developmentally reach and use the touch-type process, it’s time to get them typing! Turtle Diary has an amazing compendium of typing lessons at a variety of ability levels that your child can work through at his or her own pace. Turtle Diary definitely has the upper edge on other free typing platforms out there.
Free Typing Lessons for Kids
Online for Free
There are loads of typing games online, but none are as high quality as those found on Turtle Diary. Its award-winning program is used in schools and homes around the world to ensure that kids have the foundational skills necessary for succeeding in keyboarding skills. Anywhere you go, Turtle Diary’s typing modules are free to access, ranging from beginner to intermediate to advanced levels.
Focus on Touch Typing
The best typing programs focus on what is known as “touch typing.” This reinforces muscle memory without looking at the keyboard through repetition and fluency drills. The goal is to eventually enable the student to not only copy text into typed form, but think and type at the same time as they create original content. As an adult in the 21st century, this is an essential skill and those who have it will be very distinctly separated from those who do not. Practicing consistently over type ensures that touch typing skills will eventually emerge in as little as two to three weeks with diligence.
Encourages Muscle Memory
In the beginning, the Home Row skills will be developed and there is a lot of repetition involved, but this solidifies the muscle memory that the fingers and body will have. Turtle Diary’s typing modules are careful to help students gain those basic skills before moving onto more complex key positions. In addition to the Typing Lessons module, Turtle Diary also has many free and super fun games that kids will beg to play, not even realizing they are practicing typing.
Keyboard Practice for Kids
Fluency = Speed + Accuracy
The name of the game is typing fluency, which is a combination of both how fast you can type in words per minute (speed) and the amount of mistakes that you make while doing so. One without the other just doesn’t work, so working to achieve both skills puts students in an amazingly fluent typing place that will serve them for the rest of their life.
Practicing every day for at least 15-20 minutes will help to solidify those touch-typing skills and muscle memory. It isn’t something you can just all of a sudden learn; it does require steady practice, but with Turtle Diary’s amazing Typing Lessons and Typing Games, any student, from age 7 to adult, can learn to type well. The ultimate goal on Turtle Diary is to get you typing at the covetous 60 WPM, so the more you can practice, the betters!
Turtle Diary offers the best of the best in typing instruction for FREE online, so all that’s waiting is for your kids to give it a try. From amazing games with falling letters, dragons, and ninjas, to piece by piece instruction through the perils of word processing, Turtle Diary has everything your family needs for success in typing fluency.